Beloved Siblings,

Welcome to Lent! I hope you have found one or more practices that are helping you experience fully the Lenten themes of self-examination, penitence, self-denial, study, and almsgiving. More importantly, I hope that you are finding opportunities to slow down and really think about God’s expression of love to us and for us in Christ’s Incarnation, Life, Crucifixion, and Resurrection.

If you have adopted a Lenten practice, I hope this note can serve as encouragement to keep going. Lenten practices challenge us, as they are meant to, and so, as the season continues, it can get more difficult to keep up. You might even miss some days in your Lenten practice. It’s all okay. It is less important what you do or whether you have a perfect 40-day attendance record and more important that you find opportunities to connect with the Divine. Spend some time with God.

If you haven’t yet adopted a Lenten practice, that’s okay too. It’s not too late. Below are some ideas. Again, though, it’s less about what you do or how frequently you do it. Think of Lent as an invitation to join God for some chats. Tell God what’s going on with you and how you feel about it.

Lastly, I wanted to remind you that sacramental confession (The Reconciliation of a Penitent beginning on page 447 of the Book of Common Prayer) remains an open invitation to you — during Lent and anytime. Of course, I am happy to hear your confession, but even if you just want to know more about how we practice confession in the Episcopal Church, feel free to reach out to me.

Wishing you peace as we prepare to celebrate the love God made manifest in the Resurrection,

 Michael +

– Our Lenten series on prayer practices meets on Wednesday at 6:00 pm by Zoom. Join for one session or for more. Email Michael ( for information.
– Lent Madness (This is an opportunity to learn about and vote for your favorite saints a la March Madness. We will post the bracket and track the progress through Lent.)
– The Stolen Beam Series: A Study of Reparations (Becky Snow can point you to upcoming courses.)
– Society of St. John the Evangelist (Cambridge) Programs
– Bethany House of Prayer (Arlington) Contemplative Practices
– Preaching Climate Justice in Lent
– Lenten Preaching Series: “A Word to the Church from Younger Leaders” at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul
– Coming to the Table’s Reparations Guide