
Thursday Nights at 6:00 pm on Zoom

What is Compline?
Compline is the last of the four services in the Daily Office (BCP, p. 127). It is descended from the night prayers said before bed at the end of the monastic round of daily prayer. Compline is a simple office including a confession of sins, one or more psalms, a short reading from scripture, versicles and responses, the Lord’s Prayer, collects which ask for God’s protection during the night to come, and the canticle Nunc dimittis. A hymn or meditation for the evening may follow the short reading from scripture. The collects may be followed by a time of silence, along with free intercessions and thanksgivings. At St. John’s Compline is said virtually on Thursday night at 6:00 pm.  The service details are published weekly in Happenings.

Order of Compline (BCP, 1979)

Night Prayer (NZBCP, 1988)

Lesser Feasts and Fasts (2018)

An Order for Compline:  Advent 2021

December 2nd:  Advent I

December 9th:  Advent II

December 16th: Advent III

December 23rd: Advent IV