Sermon Group

In the spirit of living out our baptismal call to ministry, we support lay preaching at St. John’s. All sermons are lectionary-based, following the scriptures appointed for the day. The Sermon Group meets a few weeks prior to a sermon to discuss and discern the readings, and to provide the preacher with ideas and perspectives to consider when preparing their sermon. They also meet afterwards to debrief the sermon and to provide feedback.

Preaching asks us to juxtapose scripture with modern events and values, an important, difficult, and rewarding task. A good sermon is not necessarily a comforting message, but one that challenges norms and strengthens our faith. Preaching from the pulpit is not a requirement to participate in the Sermon group; we welcome diverse knowledge, perspectives, and insights as we apply biblical scriptures to today’s world.

Sermon Archive

Text: Luke 12:40: “...the Son of Man is coming at an unexpected hour.” Here we are in the middle of August, in the midst of some of the most pleasant…
Text: Luke 12:17: “What should I do, for I have no place to store my crops?” Perhaps more than in most other vocations, farmers tend to divide into two camps: Good farmers…
Text: Luke 10:40: "...Tell her to help me!" Like a lot of other anglophiles, I have my own little copy of that marvelous wartime motivational poster, the five words in all caps under…
Text: Luke 10:40: “...Tell her to help me!” Let me just begin with a word of warning. I am about to completely forgo the usual, predictable, expected message on the…

Neighbors to Networks

July 23, 2013
Text: Luke 10:29: “But wanting to justify himself, he asked Jesus, ‘And who is my neighbor?’” I have been following a kind of discipline this summer of tying together the collect…
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