St. John’s Happenings

The Reverend Mark D. W. Edington is our Celebrant and Preacher at the 8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II Service.  A Note from Mark regarding the 4:00 p.m. service is below.

Dear Fellow-Ministers of Saint John’s,
A reminder that the principal service of the parish this coming Sunday will be at 4:00 pm, when we offer a Service of Advent Lessons and Carols.
This service will bring together four parishes in Newton — ourselves, Saint Paul’s, Messiah, and Trinity. So it will be a worship service of all of us together, which happens to be in our house.
Please be aware of two things. First, as this is happening  in our house, we are the hosts; accordingly we’ll have a reception afterward for everyone in attendance. If there is something you’d like to bring to add to the gathering, please do.
Second, this service will benefit the work of the Centre Street Food Pantry, an outreach to needy families in and beyond Newton that all of our parishes have supported. Leaders of CSFP will be present with us on Sunday to participate in our worship and be present at the reception. So in addition to a dish for the reception, please think about bringing a gift for the Food Pantry. Elsewhere in the Happenings today you’ll see a note about what is particularly needed in this season.
I give thanks always for the ministry that we share and the joy we find in this community of faith.

A Big Thank You from The Centre Street Food Pantry!  A record-setting number of families had good food and good cheer for the Thanksgiving Holiday due to your generosity!  Actually, more than 500 people were provided food for the month of November!  Again, thank you for your donations and for helping to reduce the stress in the families who depend on the Pantry as a source of good food.  Please continue to leave your donations of shelf-stable milk, boxed juices, cereal, canned soup and vegetables and coffee  under The Saint John’s Giving Tree in the Loring Room, along with vocally spreading the word about the Pantry!  Thank  you

Office Hours Mark holds office hours at Saint John’s on Saturday mornings between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon.  If you have any pastoral concerns, you can reach Mark at 617.645.4691 or email him at

Sunday School News:

There is no Church School this Sunday. Child care will be available at the 4:00pm service.

Christmas Pageant! The Christmas Pageant at St. John’s is on December 22nd. Children should come an hour before church to rehearse and we will perform the Pageant for the sermon. Please let Kate McKey-Dunar know if your child will be participating in the Pageant. Her email is kemckey@gmail.comThank you!

Church School classes are for children aged 3 through grade 6 are held from 10-10:40 a.m., with children joining the service at the Offertory to be with their families for Holy Communion. Our youngest children will be using Godly Play as their curriculum which is a montessori based program. Our older children will be using Feasting On The Word which is a lectionary based curriculum. Questions? Contact Kate McKey-Dunar, Christian Formation Coordinator, at


St. John’s Pictorial Directory The make-up photo day is this Sunday, December 15.  Please be sure to stay following the service to have your picture taken by our professional photographer, Alastair Battson!  We do not want you to be missing from our New Pictorial Directory!  Please sign up on the sheet in the Loring Room, or call (617-964-2591) or email ( to reserve your spot.  Thank you!

This Sunday, December 15th is the deadline for your donations to go toward poinsettias and greenery that will adorn the sanctuary at Christmas.  Please designate your gift in honor of, in memory of, or in thanks for special people or events.  Names will be listed in the Christmas bulletin, and plants will be shared with housebound members and friends after Christmas.  Thank you, Altar Guild Members

Cathedral Soup Kitchen Lunch Program Monday, December 30:   Volunteers from St. John’s are invited to assist in serving lunch to the homeless at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, 138 Tremont St., Boston.  If you can participate, please plan to be at the Cathedral by 11:45 a.m.  Contributions of finger food desserts (brownies & cookies) may be brought to church on Sunday, December 29th.  Please leave them in the Loring Room anddesignate them for the Soup Kitchen.  If you are interested in helping and could use a ride to the Cathedral, please speak to Libby or email her at  Serving and clean-up are completed by one o’clock.

Coffee Hour Sign-Up Sheet for January – April, 2014 is now posted on the Parish Office door.  Please take the time to sign up for a Sunday.  Participating in this essential and fun part of fellowship at St. John’s is easier than you think!  If you are interested in hosting one, there are plenty of veteran coffee hour providers who could guide you and answer your questions. Thank you!

Postal Rate Increase:  As you may have heard, postage will go up three cents, costing now $.49 for a standard letter, effective January 26, 2014.  The Parish Office would gratefully welcome a booklet of Forever Stamps to help defer the cost of our various mailings.  Thank you for remembering St. John’s before these new rates take effect!

Saint John’s Calendar:

Sat. Dec.  14    11:00 am – 4:00 pm Gift & Thrift Shop

Sun.          15      8:00 am   Holy Eucharist, Rite II

                            2:30 pm   Choir Rehearsal (upper hall)

                            4:00 pm   Advent Service of Lessons and Carols

        with Saint Paul’s and Trinity Church

                     5:15 pm   Reception (Loring Rm.)

                            3:45 pm   OA Group Meeting (lower hall)

                            5:00 pm   OA Group Meeting (lower hall)

Wed.        18       7:30 pm   Joint Vestry Meeting with Trinity & St. Paul’s Church (Loring Rm.)

Thurs.      19   3-6:45 pm   CSA Distribution (upper hall)

                            7:30 pm   Choir Rehearsal (upper hall)

Sat.           21                        Gift & Thrift Shop Closed

Sun.          22       8:00 am   Holy Eucharist, Rite II

                           10:00 am   Holy Eucharist, Rite II

         Christmas Pageant

         Greening of the Church (following the service)

                             5:00 pm   OA Group Meeting (lower hall)

                         5-7:30 pm   Confirmation Class (@ St. Paul’s)