St. John’s Happenings
News From Centre Street Food Pantry: As always, your donations of non-perishable food, household, or hygiene items (esp. toothpaste & shampoo), are necessities that will help to stock the shelves of the Pantry. Your donations can be left at the Saint John’s Giving Tree. Thank you
The Reverend Mark D. W. Edington is our Celebrant and Preacher at the 8:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II Service, January 19, 2014. Child Care will be provided.
Please Note: Mark’s Saturday office hours at Saint John’s will now be 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. If you have any pastoral concerns, you can reach Mark at 617.645.4691 or email him at
Sunday School News:
There will be no Church School this Sunday, January 19th because of MLK weekend.
The Church School classes will be making bread next Sunday, January 26th for newcomers to St. John’s. If you are interested in helping with this event, please contact Kate McKey-Dunar at
Church School classes are for children aged 3 through grade 6 are held from 10-10:40 a.m., with children joining the service at the Offertory to be with their families for Holy Communion. Our youngest children will be using Godly Play as their curriculum which is a montessori based program. Our older children will be using Feasting On The Word which is a lectionary based curriculum. Questions? Contact Kate McKey-Dunar, Christian Formation Coordinator, at
A Big Thank You to all who have signed on for Coffee Hour! There are only three more dates to be filled: February 16, March 9 and April 27. Please take the time to sign up for one of these dates – the list is posted on the Parish Office door. Thank you!
Annual Reports: All committee reports for the 2013 Annual Report Booklet should be submitted as soon as possible! Please send your report electronically, (preferably copy-ready) either as an attachment, or in the body of an email to Or, leave your report in Paula’s box in the office. The Annual Meeting is Sunday, January 26th. Child Care will be provided during the meeting.
Annual Meeting Pot Luck Brunch: A sign-up sheet is posted on the parish office door. Please write down what you can bring – a main dish, salad, dessert or a beverage. We hope everyone stays for the meeting that follows. It is one of the few times where the entire parish has an opportunity to meet and discuss not only the past year; but, also our goals and dreams for the coming year.
Available Altar Flower Dates: If you are interested in having altar flowers dedicated in memory of a loved one or in celebration of a person or event, the following dates are open: January 19, and February 16. Please speak to Cleo Messinger or email her at Thank you
The Next Book Group Meeting will be next Tuesday, January 21 at 7:30 p.m. We will be discussing two books on the same topic. The non-fiction book, The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson, and the fictional novel, The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis. Please join us – we welcome newcomers to our small, but enthusiastic group!
St. John’s Gift and Thrift Shop: The popular Winter Season half-price sale will take place Saturday, January 25th. Please stop in to say “hello”, and shop for some bargains!
Saint John’s Calendar
Sat. Jan. 18 Gift & Thrift Shop Closed
Sun. 19 8:00 am Contemplative Eucharist, Rite II
10:00 am Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Celebrant and Preacher: The Rev. Mark D. W. Edington
5:00 pm OA Group Meeting (upper hall)
Mon. 20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Tues. 21 7:30 pm Book Group Meeting (Loring Rm.)
Thurs. 23 7:30 pm Choir Rehearsal (upper hall)
Sat. 25 11:00 am – 4:00 pm Gift & Thrift Shop (half-price sale)
Sun. 26 8:00 am Contemplative Eucharist, Rite II
10:00 am Holy Eucharist, Rite II
Celebrant and Preacher: The Rev. Mark D. W. Edington
St. John’s Annual Meeting ~ preceded by Pot Luck Brunch
2-6:00 pm Confirmation Class Field Trip to Speakeasy Theatre, Boston
5:00 pm OA Group Meeting (upper hall)
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Eucharistic Minister: Brian Goeselt – 1 Corinthians 1:1-9
Lector: Libby Seaman – Isaiah 49:1-7
Gospel Reading: John 1:29-42
Acolyte: Hannah Goeselt
Altar Guild: Libby Seaman
Ushers: Jeff Barrell, Tom Wood
Coffee Hour: Candy Jones, Jeff Barrell
Collection: Kevin McGee
If you have any announcements for this bulletin, please contact Paula DiMauro
( or Kristin Knudson-Groh (