St. John’s Happenings

The Giving Tree has become an ever-present vision in the upper hall.  Thank you for all your support and donations to the Newton Food Pantry this past year.  The volunteers are very grateful for your contributions which allow them to meet the increased demand in our communities.    Please continue to bring in your donations as the New Year begins, along with vocally spreading the word about the Pantry!  Thank you

Mark holds office hours at Saint John’s on Saturday mornings between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon.  If you have any pastoral concerns, you can reach Mark at 617.645.4691 or email him at

Sunday School News:

Church School classes are for children aged 3 through grade 6 are held from 10-10:40 a.m., with children joining the service at the Offertory to be with their families for Holy Communion. Our youngest children will be using Godly Play as their curriculum which is a montessori based program. Our older children will be using Feasting On The Word which is a lectionary based curriculum. Questions? Contact Kate McKey-Dunar, Christian Formation Coordinator, at

Coffee Hour Sign-Up Sheet for January – April, 2014 is now posted on the Parish Office door.  Please take the time to sign up for a Sunday.  Participating in this essential and fun part of fellowship at St. John’s is easier than you think!  If you are interested in hosting one, there are plenty of veteran coffee hour providers who could guide you and answer your questions. Thank you!

Postal Rate Increase As you may have heard, postage will go up three cents, costing now $.49 for a standard letter, effective January 26, 2014.  The Parish Office would gratefully welcome a booklet of Forever Stamps to help defer the cost of our various mailings.  Thank you for remembering St. John’s before these new rates go into effect!

The Deadline for the December edition of The Eagle is Monday, January 6th.  If you have an article or notice you would like to be in the St. John’s Newsletter, please send it to John Evans at  Early submissions are appreciated.  Thank you

Annual Reports:  Yes, indeed – it’s that time again!  All committee reports for the 2013 Annual Report Booklet should be submitted by Friday, January 17thPlease send your report electronically, (preferably copy-ready) either as an attachment, or in the body of an email to  Or, feel free to leave your report in Paula’s box in the office.  Thank  you for early submissions!  Annual Meeting is Sunday, January 26th.

The Next Book Group Meeting will be Tuesday, January 21 at 7:30 p.m.  We will be discussing two books on the same topic.  The non-fiction book, The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson, and the fictional novel, The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis.   Please  join us – we welcome newcomers to our small, but enthusiastic group!

St. John’s Gift and Thrift Shop The popular Winter Season half-price sale will take place Saturday, January 25th.  Please stop in to say “hello”, and shop for some bargains!

Saint John’s Calendar

Sat.  Jan.  4   11:00 am – 4:00 pm  Gift & Thrift Shop  (lower hall)

Sun.           5   10:00 am    Holy Eucharist, Rite II

5:00 pm    OA Group Meeting  (upper hall)

5:00 pm    Epiphany Eve Service led by the Confirmation Class

                  at Saint Paul’s Church, Newton Highlands

Tues.          7     3:00 pm    Hockey Team Luncheon (upper hall)

Thurs.        9     7:30 pm    Choir Rehearsal (upper hall)

Sat.           11   11:00 am – 4:00 pm  Gift & Thrift Shop  (lower hall)

Sun.          12   10:00 am    Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Celebrant:  The Rev. Mark D. W. Edington

Preacher:    Robert Schoeck

5:00 pm    OA Group Meeting  (upper hall)