St. John’s Happenings

News from the Centre Street Food Pantry: The Food Pantry is in need of canned soup, along with cereal, granola bars, coffee and canned fruit.  There has also been a request for larger sized diapers (size 4-6).  If you could take advantage of a sale, or have a coupon for them, they would be greatly appreciated.  Marjorie Carey will be picking up the donations under our Christmas Giving Tree to take to the Pantry next Tuesday, Sept. 24th – so, please remember to bring your contributions this Sunday!  Thank  you

Mark will be attending a conference for the Hartford Institute’s Small Parish Study on Saturday, together with Laura Crain and Kate McKey. He will hold office hours at Saint John’s on Sunday from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.

The Reverend Mark D. W. Edington is our Celebrant and Preacher at the 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II Service, September 22, 2013.  Child Care will be provided.

Sunday School News:

Church School classes are for children aged 3 through grade 6 are held from 10-10:40 a.m., with children joining the service at the Offertory to be with their families for Holy Communion. Our youngest children will be using Godly Play as their curriculum which is a montessori based program. Our older children will be using Feasting On The Word which is a lectionary based curriculum.

To register your child for Church School, please go to The link is on the front page.

We are looking for adults who would like to help with our children. We are in need of people who can teach our children to bake bread, do crafts, and be with them for support. Please take time to see if you are able to help the wonderful children at St. John’s. If you have any questions about the Church School program,  please contact Kate McKey-Dunar at

Coffee Hour Sign-Up Sheet for September – November is now posted on the Parish Office door.  Please take the time to sign up for an upcoming Sunday.  Participating in this essential and fun part of fellowship at St. John’s is easier than you think!  If you are interested in hosting one, there are plenty of veteran coffee hour providers who could guide you and answer your questions. Thank you!

The Next Book Group Meeting will be next Tuesday, September 24th at 7:30 p.m.  We will discuss “Bring Up the Bodies” by Hilary Mantel.  Please give some thought to book recommendations – we’d like to choose two books for meetings in Oct. and Nov.  This will give us all the ability to buy, borrow, or reserve from the library our choices in advance.  We love newcomers –all are welcome to attend!

Cathedral Soup Kitchen Lunch Program Monday, September 30:   Volunteers from St. John’s are invited to assist in serving lunch to the homeless at the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, 138 Tremont St., Boston.  If you can participate, please plan to be at the Cathedral by 11:45 a.m.  Contributions of finger food desserts (brownies & cookies) may be brought to church on Sunday, September 29th.  Please leave them in the Loring Room and designate them for the Soup Kitchen.  If you are interested in helping and could use a ride to the Cathedral, please speak to Libby or email her at  Serving and clean-up are completed by one o’clock.

ST. JOHN’S COOKBOOK! We are continuing to compile recipes for the new St. John’s cookbook. The categories are appetizers and soups, entrees, desserts, and, of course, drinks. We would love all families to contribute AS MANY RECIPES AS YOU WOULD LIKE! You can submit your recipes at, under the tab “What We Do”, by emailing it to, or filling out a form in Kate McKey-Dunar’s mailbox. We would like your recipes by the end of SEPTEMBER. Thank You!

What does it mean to be Anglican?  This fall St. John’s will host a Saturday series to explore some of the deeper foundation stones of the Anglican tradition, and seek to understand how they help shape the contentions of our day.  Meetings will be held in the Loring Room from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. on October 5, October 19, November 9, and November 23.  All are welcome!

St. John’s Gift and Thrift Shop will be re-opening Saturday, October 5th  – 11:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.  Volunteers are needed!  Any amount of time you can offer on a Saturday, either morning or afternoon, would be greatly appreciated.  We also hope you’ll consider either donating or consigning:  useful household items, home decorations, small furniture pieces, antiques and jewelry – items that are in good condition.  Please consider how you can help – giving of your time, donating items, and by all means coming in to shop and to visit. Thank you!

Celebration of Creation ~ Blessing of the Animals Service will be Sunday, October 6th at the 10:00 a.m. service.  This service will be held on the Otis Street lawn.  In the event of rain, it will be in the upper hall.  Bring your pet, your stuffed animal or a picture of your departed pet.  All are welcome!

Mark your Calendars:   Scheduling for a new SAINT JOHN’S PICTORIAL BOOK for 2013-14  has now been determined!  The first three Sundays in October:  6, 13 and 20 Alastair Battson will be taking photographs following the service of all members, friends and anyone who cares to have a formal picture taken.  These pictures will be available for reprints and cards, etc. for a fee (all proceeds to go towards the upcoming church improvements), and will then go into the Pictorial Book.   Please stay tuned – more information will follow!

Diocesan News:

The Congregational Resource Day will be held on Saturday, September 28th from 9:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. at Roxbury Community College, 1234 Columbus Ave.  For more information, please see the flyer on the Parish Office door.

Upcoming Events at Bethany House of Prayer

Refreshment Day:  First Tuesday of the Month, October 1, 9:00 am-2:00 pm, led by The Rev. Walter Cuenin,  Interfaith Chaplaincy and Roman Catholic Chaplain at Brandeis University.

Love’s Harvest in Poetry and Song, Oct. 20, 3:30 pm, Chapel of St. Anne.  Poetry Reading by Kimberly Cloutier Green, Poet Laureate of Portsmouth, NH

Please see the Bethany flyer posted on the bulletin board for details on these 2 events and other Quiet Days and Retreats scheduled for the fall.

Saint John’s Calendar:

Sun. Sept.  22   10:00 am   Holy Eucharist, Rite II

                      Celebrant and Preacher:  The Rev. Mark Edington                          

                            5:00 pm   OA Group Meeting (upper hall)

Mon.          23     7:30 pm   Mission Hub Meeting (Loring Rm.)

Tues.          24     7:30 pm  Book Group Meeting  (Loring Rm.)

Thurs.        27     7:30 pm   Choir Rehearsal  (upper hall)

Sun.                       29   10:00 am   Holy Eucharist, Rite II

                      Celebrant and Preacher:  The Rev. Mark Edington                          

                             5:00 pm   OA Group Meeting (upper hall)

Mon.           30         Noon   Cathedral Soup Kitchen

        7:00 pm   Bowen Enrollment Open House (lower hall)

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Eucharistic Minister:  Bryn Wood  –  1 Timothy 6:6-19

Lector:  Kristen Knudson-Groh  –  Jeremiah 32:1-3a, 6-15

Gospel Reading:  Luke 16:19-31

Acolyte:  Ian Groh

Altar Guild:  Cleo Messinger

Ushers:  Peter Brown, Jeff Barrell

Collection:  Kevin McGee, Alastair Battson

If you have any announcements for this bulletin, please contact Paula DiMauro

( or Kristin Knudson-Groh (