
According to our Christian faith, in marriage, each individual — both separately and together — transforms and matures in God’s presence and image. A wedding, then, is a sacred ritual that acknowledges and celebrates your desire to enter a lifelong relationship. Your marriage is a sacrament — an outward and visible sign of God’s grace bringing you together and nurturing your love.

Who May Be Married at St. John’s Church?

Any member of St. John’s Church may be married here. The sacrament of marriage at St. John’s is fully open to same-gender couples. If you would like to be married at St. John’s Church but are not yet a member, please contact the clergy so that you can begin that process.

Scheduling Weddings

Weddings may be held anytime throughout the year except during Holy Week, the first week of Easter, and the final week of Advent. Weddings are rarely celebrated during the penitential season of Lent. Please note that we are able to schedule weddings with at least six months notice and no more than 18 months in advance. Premarital counseling is required of all couples.

Getting Started on Your Wedding

Contact the clergy to begin your marriage journey with us. All couples, regardless of orientation, follow the same policies.