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Can you Help with the Fair?  Serve tea, prepare sweets or finger sandwiches, help set up Friday night, help clean up Saturday afternoon.  Please be in touch with a committee member; Laura Brewer (, Kristin Knudson-Groh (, and ( 

Also, additional help is needed to clear off the stage for the event.  Please join us this Sunday to help with this task after the 10:00 a.m. service!  Thank you!

St. John’s Happenings 

News from the Centre Street Food Pantry:   Headed to the Market?   A variety of soups and canned fruit is very much in demand!  Other ideas:  baking items and condiments to cook with. Please continue to leave your donations on the right side bench in the long hall – along with spreading the word about the Pantry!  Thank you!

The Reverend Mark D. W. Edington is our Celebrant and Preacher at the 8:00 and 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist Service, Rite II this Sunday, April 26, 2015.  Child Care will be provided.

Church School NewsThere will be no Sunday School classes this Sunday, April 26 due to school vacation.

Coffee Hour Sign-Up Sheet for April – June is posted on the Parish Office door.  Please take the time to sign up – we have many Sundays available!  Participating in this fun part of fellowship at St. John’s is easier than you think!  If you are interested in hosting one, there are plenty of veteran coffee hour providers who can guide you and answer your questions. Thank you!

Next Book Group Meeting:  The Book Group will meet on Tuesday, April 28 at 7:30 p.m.  We will be discussing our non-fiction choices that contain noteworthy topics of the 1960’s.  Come and join us!

This Year’s Deanery Confirmation Service is Saturday, May 2nd, 2:00 p.m. at Church of the Advent on Beacon Hill.  All are invited to attend and support this year’s confirmand from St. John’s – Abby Strayer.


Saturday, April 25 

9:00-11:00 am  Zen Group Meeting (upper hall)

       11:00 am              Gift & Thrift Shop (lower hall)            

2:00 pm  Celebration of the Life of Ruth Crosby

Followed by a reception in the Loring Room

Sunday, April 26   

8:00 am  Contemplative Eucharist, Rite II

10:00 am  Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Celebrant and Preacher: The Reverend Mark D. W. Edington

5:00 pm  OA Group Meeting (upper hall)

Monday, April 27

     6–9:00 pm   Energy/Healing Class (Loring Rm.)

Tuesday, April 28  

   2:00-5:00 pm  Trumpet Lessons (lower hall)

7:30 pm  Book Group Meeting (Loring Rm.)

Thursday, April 30

         7:30 pm  Choir Rehearsal (upper hall)

Friday, May 1

          Bowen Yard Sale Set Up (upper hall)

Saturday, May 2 

9:00-11:00 am  Zen Group Meeting (in Church)

9:00 am – 3:00 pm  Bowen Yard Sale (on Otis St. lawn)

       11:00 am – 4:00 pm  Gift & Thrift Shop (lower hall)      

2:00 pm  Deanery Confirmation Service

(at Church of the Advent, Beacon Hill)

Sunday, May 3   

8:00 am  Contemplative Eucharist, Rite II

10:00 am  Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Celebrant and Preacher: The Reverend Mark D. W. Edington

5:00 pm  OA Group Meeting (upper hall)


Sunday, April 26, 2015   

Eucharistic Minister:  Jessica Zabchuk  –  1 John 3:16-24

Lector:  Bryn Wood  –  Acts 4:5-12

Gospel Reading: John 10:11-18

Acolyte:  Brendan McGee

Altar Guild:  Bryn Wood

Ushers:  Peter Brown, Edward Dunar

Collection:  Rose Yevich, Aram Raissi

Coffee Hour:

If you have any announcements for this bulletin, please contact Paula DiMauro

( or Kristin Knudson-Groh (