St. John’s Happenings

This Sunday, July 27, at 5:00 p.m., we’ll hold our Summer Eucharist Service – a simplified, casual service for a summer evening.  Celebrant and Preacher will be The Reverend Todd Miller.  And, at 6:00 p.m., we’ll have a community cook-out on the Otis Street lawn.  Child Care will be provided during the service. All are invited!

Centre Street Food PantryOur Christmas Giving Tree reminds us that donations are still very much needed.  Many children are now home from school and hungry for a good breakfast and lunch.  The Pantry is especially in need of a variety of soups, meals in a can, jelly and jam, cereal and coffee (ground or instant). Thank you

CAN YOU MAKE A DELIVERY?   Bags of food are ready to be delivered – can you make a delivery to the Food Pantry?  They are open every Tuesday, 4-7 p.m. and the 1st Saturday of each month 11 a.m. – 2 p.m.  Contact Paula for any further information you may need.  Thank you

Summer Office HoursThe Parish Office will be open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. through Labor Day.  As always, voicemail messages will continue to be retrieved daily!

Summertime Coffee Hour For the remainder of the summer, we will keep the fellowship of coffee hour simple.  We encourage folks to drop off a package or two of cookies and/or lemonade and iced tea to have in reserve.  It will be easier if you bring in bottles/cans/containers of cold drinks so that things do not need to be mixed causing additional clean up.  Your donations can be left in the kitchenette or refrigerator off of the Loring Room.  Thank you

Upcoming Dates to Remember:

Next Sunday, August 3, 10:00 a.m. – St. John’s will host our friends from Trinity Church with The Rev. Todd Miller as Guest Celebrant and Preacher.

August 31 – Holy Eucharist, Rite II Service will be at 5:00 p.m. followed by a Community Cook-Out on the Otis Street lawn.  All are invited!

Diocesan News:

Save the Date:

On Saturday, September 13th, The Rev. Alan McIntosh Gates will be ordained as the 16th Bishop for the Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts.  The service will take place at 10:30 a.m. at the Agganis Arena at Boston University, 965 Commonwealth Ave., Boston.

Everyone who plans to attend must register for a free ticket by August 15.  Please visit for ticketing information.  To register for tickets by phone, please call 617-482-4826, ext. 687Please see flyer on Parish Office door for more information.

Affordable Housing NeededThe Newton Clergy Association has sent out a request for housing for a young couple with two young children who are looking for a two bedroom place to rent.  If you know of a rental that would be in the range of $1,000 a month, please call Susan Brecht, Eliot Church – 617-332-0614Thank you!

Saint John’s Calendar

Sun. July 27    5:00 pm  Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Guest Celebrant and Preacher:  The Reverend Todd Miller

   A Community Cook-Out will follow ~ all are invited!

5:00 pm  OA Group Meeting (lower hall)

Thurs.     31      4-7 pm  CSA Distribution (on Otis St. Lawn)

Sun. Aug.  3  10:00 am  Holy Eucharist, Rite II

Guest Celebrant and Preacher:  The Reverend Todd Miller

5:00 pm  OA Group Meeting (upper hall)


Sunday, July 27, 2014  

Eucharistic Minister:   Kate McKey-Dunar  – Romans 8:26-39

Lector:  Libby Seaman  –  Genesis 29:15-28

Gospel Reading:  Matthew 13:31-33, 44-52

Altar Guild:  Libby Seaman

Usher:  Gary Messinger

Collection:  Phoebe Robinson Foley, Cate Drislane

If you have any announcements for this bulletin, please contact Paula DiMauro

( or Kristin Knudson-Groh (