It takes several volunteers to run the worship service each Sunday — the priest and the choir are only the most visible part of the worship team. Click on the tabs below for detailed information about each role.
Eucharistic Minister
Vests in a white alb. Processes with the priest and sits at one end of the choir stalls near the lectern. Standing at the lectern, responsible for leading the Psalm if it’s not being sung by the choir, reading the Epistle, leading the creed and Prayers of the People. Moves with the celebrant into the sanctuary and stands beside him/her during Eucharistic prayers. Administers the chalice to communicants. Recesses with the priest and delivers the dismissal at the end of the service.
Sits in the congregation and comes up to the lectern to read the first lesson either from the Bible or the lectionary handout. Must speak slowly and loudly enough to be heard in the back of the church.
Ages 10 and older (adults welcome). Vests in a red cassock and white cotta. Lights the candles on the altar before the service. Carries the cross and leads the procession into the church during the opening hymn. Sits in the sanctuary. Holds the Gospel book for the priest during the Gospel procession. If elements of bread and wine are brought forward, receives them and hands them to the celebrant. If the elements are already on the credence table, takes them to the priest and puts them back on the credence table. If the offering is collected, takes the large offering plate and stands in front of the altar to receive the offering brought forward by an usher, hands it to the celebrant to be blessed, and puts it back on the shelf under the window. Carries the cross and leads the procession to the back of the church during the recessional hymn. Extinguishes the altar candles.
Altar Guild
“Sets the table” prior to the service and cleans up afterwards. Detailed instructions are available and training is provided.
Puts up flags outside the church. Greets people as they enter the church. Hands out leaflets and assists people to pews as needed. Asks people to bring the elements forward if they are on the table in the back of the church. Counts the number of people in church and posts it on the board in the back of the church so the priest knows how much bread and wine will be needed. Collects the offering and brings it forward to the acolyte if that is being done. Closes the communion rails. If there are 2 ushers, one tells the congregation when to come forward for communion; the other stands to the right of the choir stalls to help communicants with the step as needed. Opens the communion rails. Fills out the attendance slip at the end of the service and gives it to the priest. Makes sure all papers are removed from pews and books are placed back in their racks. Takes down the flags and folds them up.
IT Master
Handles the computer for the livestream service. Training is provided.
Vestry Person of the Day
Member of the vestry who comes forward after the Peace to make announcements to the congregation. After the service, counts the offering with another vestry member and enters information in the computer.
Coffee Hour Host
Very important role as fellowship is a vital part of our church community. Brings cookies/bagels/cheese and crackers to enjoy after the service. Also brings 1 quart of Half & Half and carton of juice or lemonade. Makes coffee before the service (detailed instructions are posted in the kitchenette) and sets out non-perishable snacks. Leaves church during the recessional hymn to finish setting up. Cleans up after everyone is done.
At St. John’s, we use online software called Realm for our pledging and donation system. We also use Realm to schedule service volunteers for Sunday mornings. The schedule is called the “rota”. New volunteers are always welcome! Contact Betsy Blagdon or Tom Wood for more information.
To login into Realm, use this link:
Use the link below for instructions on how to sign up for slots in Realm for any of the positions listed above.