Three Invitations

August 4, 2019
Someone in the crowd said to Jesus, "Teacher, tell my brother to divide the family inheritance with me." I suspect most if not all of us have experience – be…

Pins and Needles

December 16, 2018
I wonder whether you feel exhausted by the news cycle—by the sheer pace of things that are happening around us. Just this past week, the Prime Minister of the UK…

New Old News

December 2, 2018
I learned a new phrase this past week from a new friend, and it falls into that category of words and phrases that I wish I’d known a long time before…

The Question of the Age

April 22, 2018
I’ve recently been reading a powerful little book by Professor Tim Snyder, a historian at Yale, called On Tyranny: Twenty Lessons from the Twentieth Century. Snyder studies the rise of…