The Prodigal Son

March 31, 2019
The children discuss the parable of the prodigal son and explain what Jesus was trying to teach us through today's Gospel.
We have it covered from A to Z this morning. We have two candidates for baptism this morning, Amara and Zayden, who are siblings, and between them they encompass the…

The Reach of Compassion

June 10, 2018
This was going to be a sermon about forgiveness, and specifically about a teaching of Jesus about how forgiveness works and what its limits might be. As I read through…

The Strange Glory of Mercy

February 25, 2018
There was a story in the news this past week that you might easily have missed, if only because there are so many stories in the news these days that…

Fundamental Forgiveness

September 16, 2017
The lessons for this day are found at this link. Text: Matthew 18:33: “Should you not have had mercy on your fellow-slave, as I had mercy on you?” The clear…

Virtues, Lost and Lived

September 14, 2014
Text: Genesis 45:5: “ not be distressed, or angry with yourselves, because you sold me here....” Joseph’s brothers have a lot to answer for.  They didn’t like the favor he…
Text: Luke 7:44: “....I entered your house...”  Sometimes I really envy my Baptist sisters and brothers in the ministry. When you are a Baptist preacher, you get to choose what…